There are few legal documents that define required arrangements on the site for asbestos-related works. These are the Directives 89/654/EEC, 92/57/EEC and 92/58/EEC. Asbestos is what causes mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, pleural plaques and many other diseases. And it is highly important to provide workers with all required equipment and…
Discovery of the harmfulness of asbestos dust
At the beginning of the last century first concerns regarding the risk of development of different diseases from asbestos appeared. In the United Kingdom during the inspection of industrial factories the chief inspector reported about possible health damage from asbestos exposure, as a lot of textile workers had similar diagnosis…
Early Retirement Systems For Asbestos Victims In Europe
Among various systems of compensation for asbestos exposure victims there is an early retirement system adopted in France and Italy. This system deals with people who got mesothelioma diagnosis or other physical injuries as a result of contact with asbestos. In Italy this system came in force in 1992 when…
European Compensation Systems For Asbestos Claims
In Europe the order of compensating is the same for all occupational diseases, including asbestos related ones. Such cases are covered by insurance and victims of asbestos exposure get payments from their employers’ insurers. However, the Netherlands decided to develop their own system for processing asbestos claims. It is called…
Asbestos Settlements: What to Expect?
Asbestos-related lawsuits are usually filed for compensating the losses that a person bears due to results of asbestos exposure. This can be health problems, the loss of earning capacity, emotional distress, etc. The compensation can be also paid to relatives of a person died from an asbestos-related disease. In all…