The United Kingdom is the country where asbestos was never mined. However, it was widely used in a few branches of industry. The biggest risk of asbestos exposure was in shipbuilding and vehicle building industries. The rates of death from mesothelioma (malignant disease caused by asbestos fibers) are six times…
European Rules for Asbestos Lawsuit
The only purpose of such lawsuits in any country is getting the compensation for the injury caused by asbestos exposure. In Europe there are a few sources of such compensation: social security system that protects workers products liability employer’s liability Insurance covers all possible damages for workers, no matter how…
Asbestos Laws In Different States
Due to the mass character of asbestos lawsuits since 1960s in the USA, the legislation in this sphere has significantly developed, and each state has its own rules for resolving the issues related with asbestos exposure. The country still hasn’t got unite national law system for them, and adopting legal…
The Evolution of Asbestos Law
Problems that asbestos causes to health are highly important for the USA. The number of asbestos-related diagnosis grows every year, while the use of asbestos decreases. However, there is still no well-formed national legislation regarding the issues arising between the victims of asbestos hazard. The current asbestos law is different…
Mesothelioma Law in Different Countries
Mesothelioma law is a branch of law that regulates the rights of patients with mesothelioma. This is a sub-area of asbestos law, because this disease is caused by asbestos, and contacting with it is usually under the responsibility of company that produces asbestos products or mines and processes pure asbestos.
The Steps Of Asbestos Law Suit
As any other lawsuit process, an asbestos lawsuit consists of a few stages. Such processes help victims of asbestos exposure to receive compensation for their health problems and moral damage caused by this harmful mineral. Traditionally an asbestos law suit is filed by a person who experiences a specific health…
How Mesothelioma Lawyer Helps To Win The Lawsuit?
Officially any person who suffered from asbestos-related health problem has the right to file a lawsuit against a company or individual who is responsible for asbestos exposure. There are even trust funds established by numerous companies that pay off compensations for such injuries. But the reality is quite different: very…
Why Do You Need An Asbestos Lawyer?
There is no such branch in the law like ‘asbestos law’, it was formed during the last four decades and represents cases of damage to health caused by the asbestos exposure. A lot of people who were exposed to asbestos in the young age experience problems with respiratory system, and…