Asbestos-related lawsuits are usually filed for compensating the losses that a person bears due to results of asbestos exposure. This can be health problems, the loss of earning capacity, emotional distress, etc. The compensation can be also paid to relatives of a person died from an asbestos-related disease. In all…
Mesothelioma Law in Different Countries
Mesothelioma law is a branch of law that regulates the rights of patients with mesothelioma. This is a sub-area of asbestos law, because this disease is caused by asbestos, and contacting with it is usually under the responsibility of company that produces asbestos products or mines and processes pure asbestos.
The Steps Of Asbestos Law Suit
As any other lawsuit process, an asbestos lawsuit consists of a few stages. Such processes help victims of asbestos exposure to receive compensation for their health problems and moral damage caused by this harmful mineral. Traditionally an asbestos law suit is filed by a person who experiences a specific health…
How Mesothelioma Lawyer Helps To Win The Lawsuit?
Officially any person who suffered from asbestos-related health problem has the right to file a lawsuit against a company or individual who is responsible for asbestos exposure. There are even trust funds established by numerous companies that pay off compensations for such injuries. But the reality is quite different: very…
The Problems of Asbestos Cancer
The mining of asbestos was stopped in many countries of the world, such as the USA, the UK, etc. This measure was aimed to stop the asbestos-related health problems that began to affect people who accidentally or constantly contacted with this mineral. However, it is still mined and used in…
What Is Mesothelioma Survival Rate?
Mesothelioma is aт insidious disease that develops as a result of asbestos exposure. This mineral is highly durable to heating that makes it excellent for building materials, piping, insulation, etc. In the past it was in the wide use, and people were exposed to big amount of asbestos fibers for…
The Major Symptoms of Mesothelioma
According to the statistics for 1994 – 2008, there are 14 200 cases of mesothelioma diagnosed every year, and each fifth mesothelioma case is overlooked due to the complicated symptom picture. The USA is the leading country for the number of patients with such diagnosis, followed by the UK. The…
Mesothelioma Treatment Options On Different Stages of Disease
Mesothelioma is the severest health condition caused by asbestos. The fibers of this material that relieve into the air in the places of high concentration damage human lungs and cause irreversible changes in tissues. As a result, in 20-40 years after being exposed to asbestos a person can get dangerous diagnosis…
What Is Mesothelioma?
Malignant mesothelioma is oncologic tumor that develops from the tissue that covers chest, abdominal cavities or pericard. About 80% of cases deal with pleural mesothelioma. The major reason of this disease is long-lasting contact with asbestos. The probability of mesothelioma rises proportionally to the duration and intensity of contact with…
Where to Find An Asbestos Attorney?
Sometimes there is not much time to find a worthy asbestos attorney who will help to get compensation for the disease gained as a result of asbestos exposure. The process itself requires quite a lot of time, and confidence in the fact that the attorney you choose is really capable…