Personal protective equipment is widely used on the sites where workers contact with asbestos. This is a mandatory requirement for performing such works stated in appropriate legal documents. Operational measures are not enough to provide the necessary level of protection for people working with asbestos, and personal protection is essentially…
Requirements for staff handling asbestos-containing products
In the EU countries there is still a lot of work with asbestos for its demolition and various maintenance works that are a source of uncontrolled asbestos exposure. It leads to pleural mesothelioma and a range of other severe health problems. The need in minimizing these risks is obvious, and…
Asbestos Information: Organizational Measures
The ban of asbestos acts in the EU countries. However, this doesn’t exclude the need to contact with this material in various works for removing it from buildings, utilizing asbestos-containing products, etc. Before beginning such work or even taking a tender for it, an employer must go through a range…
Asbestos In Buildings: How to Recognize?
Different regions of Europe used asbestos in different ways. This material is more typical for the countries of Western Europe, and the most popular material with this mineral is asbestos cement widely used for building. It’s a common knowledge that anyone can get cancer from asbestos, being exposed to it…
Diseases Caused By Asbestos in Lungs
Since 1999 all kinds of asbestos are forbidden for use in Europe. Indeed, new buildings are constructed without asbestos in the walls, pipes or ceiling, and there is no industry that uses this mineral for producing various products. However, the risk of getting asbestos in lungs is still high, as…
Asbestos Compensation in Europe
Asbestos was considered as a real present: it is inflammable, cheap, very easy-to-use and highly comfortable material for various uses. However, it turned out it had one big shortcoming – it is dangerous for health. People who were exposed to asbestos often suffer from severe and even fatal diseases and…
What’s Different In European And US Asbestos Litigation?
There is no fully established law system for asbestos-related case in Europe. The regulations are still under development, new laws appear to cover all possible kind of issues for the consequences of asbestos exposure into environment. In the USA the situation is much clearer, as over the last five centuries…
Being Exposed to Asbestos At Home
People who are aware of the harmful asbestos action to lungs and other organs usually concern when see some buildings under construction, because asbestos is still widely used in building materials. A lot of comparatively safe forms of using asbestos were invented, but this doesn’t exclude the chances for being…
What are symptoms of asbestos exposure?
Various forms of asbestos are widely used in building materials, car parts, paints, crayons and a lot of other things. That is why almost every person is exposed to asbestos. This mineral can cause various health conditions depending on a few factors: What form of asbestos a person contacted with…