Arranging the Construction Site For Asbestos-Related Works

Arranging the Construction Site For Asbestos-Related Works

There are few legal documents that define required arrangements on the site for asbestos-related works. These are the Directives 89/654/EEC, 92/57/EEC and 92/58/EEC. Asbestos is what causes mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer, pleural plaques and many other diseases. And it is highly important to provide workers with all required equipment and arrangements for maximally safe work, minimizing the risk of development of various health problems.

First of all, there must be rest rooms that workers use to spend their breaks and various interruptions in work. Such room should be arranged, if there are more than ten workers on the construction site, and there must be enough space for them all. For the sites with less than ten employees, an employer must make sure that all his personnel is able to change clothes, take a shower or wash themselves in any other way, take food in place protected from weather conditions. The dust carried home on the work clothes is what causes mesothelioma too. This is called secondary exposure. In such a way workers can expose their homies to asbestos and cause various diseases. That is why the change of clothes when going home or coming back to work is a must. There should be separate storages for various types of clothes.

A rest room is not actually a room. This can be a cabin, a caravan or some container. The area depends on how many workers are on the site, there must be tables, chairs, hooks for clothes, vestibule. The temperature inside must be comfortable for staying there. Workers are required to take off work clothes and protective suits before entering the rest room, otherwise employers will inhale asbestos dust while taking rest.

During asbestos-related works the existence of washrooms is a must too. It will be enough to arrange personnel locks with showers. If there are no such facilities, an employer must arrange another way for workers to wash themselves. There must be washing basins out of individual locks (one per five employers).

The need in such facilities doesn’t depend from the intensity of asbestos exposure on the site. This is a minimal hygiene measure, together with cleaning and drying facilities. Each construction site must have toilets separate for women and men (at least one lockable cabin for each).

Hygiene rules include cleaning work clothes and boots from dust outside, to minimize the amount of dust in enclosed rooms area or cars.

Another required facility for the sites that imply the contact with asbestos is a first-aid room. It must be easily accessible by ambulance or common stretchers. The work on such sites is often related to demolition, reconstruction and other traumatic activities, so there must be an easy way to deliver an injured worker to the first-aid room. Also there must be a personnel trained to give first aid (at least one such worker should be on place). The first-aid room should be properly signed so that anyone could find it easily.

All rest rooms, cleaning facilities, emergency exits and first-aid rooms must be marked with proper signs. Moreover the area where workers contact with asbestos must be separated from the rest of area and marked with the prohibition sign to prevent unauthorized people from getting in. The open area can be marked with the warning tape too.

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