Mesothelioma still causes a lot of questions and guesses, even among scientists, because it hasn’t been fully studied yet. Common people are very misinformed, and even having some knowledge on this subject, still spread a lot of misconceptions. Not knowing true facts about malignant mesothelioma can play a low-down trick…
Mesothelioma Treatment Costs
There are many problems in modern treatment methods for malignant mesothelioma. First of all, they do not provide any guarantees for full recovery, even with all innovations and alternative therapies. Second problem is that the most of methods are highly aggressive and require long recovery, as chemotherapy or surgeries seriously…
Diseases Caused By Asbestos in Lungs
Since 1999 all kinds of asbestos are forbidden for use in Europe. Indeed, new buildings are constructed without asbestos in the walls, pipes or ceiling, and there is no industry that uses this mineral for producing various products. However, the risk of getting asbestos in lungs is still high, as…
Control of Exposure to Asbestos in Europe
In April 2012 the Control of Asbestos Regulations came in force. Its purpose was to enforce the control of exposure to asbestos in Europe and check the compliance with the requirements adopted for manufacturers and employers. This resolution contained changes to the previously existed Directive that came in force in…
Asbestos Compensation in Europe
Asbestos was considered as a real present: it is inflammable, cheap, very easy-to-use and highly comfortable material for various uses. However, it turned out it had one big shortcoming – it is dangerous for health. People who were exposed to asbestos often suffer from severe and even fatal diseases and…
European Rules for Asbestos Lawsuit
The only purpose of such lawsuits in any country is getting the compensation for the injury caused by asbestos exposure. In Europe there are a few sources of such compensation: social security system that protects workers products liability employer’s liability Insurance covers all possible damages for workers, no matter how…
What’s Different In European And US Asbestos Litigation?
There is no fully established law system for asbestos-related case in Europe. The regulations are still under development, new laws appear to cover all possible kind of issues for the consequences of asbestos exposure into environment. In the USA the situation is much clearer, as over the last five centuries…
Asbestos Attorneys For The Families of Asbestos Victims
Traditionally asbestos claims are considered among people who were injured by asbestos. However, such types of injuries can be a cause of action for filing a lawsuit by family members who were not directly injured. The family members can file a lawsuit in case of their loved one died from…
Statute Of Limitations For Mesothelioma Litigation
Mesothelioma cases are one of the most time-consuming types of litigation in the US judicial sphere. This asbestos-related disease has a very long latency period that lasts for decades. And it is usually a problem to define the time when a claimant is eligible for filing a lawsuit. Such restrictions…
Being Exposed to Asbestos At Home
People who are aware of the harmful asbestos action to lungs and other organs usually concern when see some buildings under construction, because asbestos is still widely used in building materials. A lot of comparatively safe forms of using asbestos were invented, but this doesn’t exclude the chances for being…